Us and Them
Us and Them has a theme showing how we need to spend time with our family. Unfortunately, I have fallen into the point this book is talking about, people spending more time on TV and other electronics than with their family.
At the dinner table, my dad just installed a TV to the wall to watch football games. We don't talk much at dinner because of our phones but we do talk in the car and other times like that. Sometimes we don't even sit down at the same time to eat. I think it should be more important to communicate and bond with our family than stare at our phone and TV.
At the dinner table, my dad just installed a TV to the wall to watch football games. We don't talk much at dinner because of our phones but we do talk in the car and other times like that. Sometimes we don't even sit down at the same time to eat. I think it should be more important to communicate and bond with our family than stare at our phone and TV.
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