
Showing posts from January, 2018

Comments Q3 W3

Katherine Zoe

My Research Topic

    My research question is was the blitzkrieg strategy successful. The blitzkrieg strategy is the strategy used by Germany in World War II. The strategy broke through weak spots in the enemy line using armored forces while the air force was taking out the lines of communication. After they broke through, assault troops flanked the stronger parts of the enemy line from behind.     The strategy was successful against Poland and France, taking them over in weeks. After that success, Hitler decided to attack Russia. Russia stopped the invasion and this is considered a failure of blitzkrieg. I will argue against this consideration of the attack on Russia and others in my research paper.

ATDPTI Response

    The relationship between Rowdy and Junior interest me greatly. We are told that they were friends their whole life, and they are almost opposites of each other. Even though they were friends for so long, Junior's decision to go to Reardan caused Rowdy to hit him and break their friendship. This makes me wonder about how much the Indians on the rez hated white people.     Mary, Juniors sister, is very unpredictable and mysterious. I am trying to think about how she will make an impact on the story. Will she come back? Was her role just to inspire Junior to leave the rez? I don't know, but I will be excited to learn more about this character in the future.

Q3 W2 Comments

Katherine  Saad

MLK Weekend

    On the MLK weekend, I got to "chaperone" an overnight party at area 51. I had a lot of fun with my cousin as we played dodgeball and ran all over the place. We had all night to do whatever we wanted.     I did flips into the foam pits from the trampolines and the trapeze.  I also got to sleep on the trampolines for the night and could hang out in the foam pits. In the morning we had to leave and the way to the car was freezing cold.

Research Update

    My topic is about whether the strategy that Germany used in World War II was successful or not.  My topic is interesting to me, and I have enjoyed the research I have done. I am having success in finding information to support my opinion on the topic.     Even though there is plenty of information supporting my opinion, a few sources contradict some of my information and make me have to rethink my argument. I had to spend a lot of time on my annotated bibliography at home, but now I feel prepared for the next section of work we have to do.

New Semester Reflection

    I learned many things about being a student in the fall semester. The first thing I learned is that I have to use my tutorials for productive use instead of just wasting the time. This helped me improve my grades. The second thing I learned is that every grade you get in a class is important, including the small homework grades.      The third thing I learned is to procrastinate less and get my work done as soon as I can. My main goals for the spring semester is to improve my grades in all my classes and prepare myself for sophomore year in every way I can.

What are some tricks and ways to manage your time at Episcopal after your first quarter? Prompt

    One thing I do to manage my time at Episcopal is planning how I use my study hall. If I have a study hall in the morning, I can save the homework from the later scheduled classes for that study hall. If the study hall is in the afternoon, I can get as much homework done as I can there and do the rest at night.      I also make good use of my tutorial. I use my tutorials to study and meet with teachers. This allows me to be able to not spend time studying at home.  This will make sure that I get enough sleep for the next day.