My Research Topic

    My research question is was the blitzkrieg strategy successful. The blitzkrieg strategy is the strategy used by Germany in World War II. The strategy broke through weak spots in the enemy line using armored forces while the air force was taking out the lines of communication. After they broke through, assault troops flanked the stronger parts of the enemy line from behind.
    The strategy was successful against Poland and France, taking them over in weeks. After that success, Hitler decided to attack Russia. Russia stopped the invasion and this is considered a failure of blitzkrieg. I will argue against this consideration of the attack on Russia and others in my research paper.


  1. The facts that you use in this post are particularly interesting, but I would like to know what your paper is trying to accomplish.

  2. Your research topic seems detailed. It is interesting to hear about the war strategies of WWII and not just about the Holocaust.


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