Purple Hibiscus Reading Response

      While reading Purple Hibiscus, I noticed a large amount of pressure on Kambili and Jaja to do well in school. It was expected for them to be the top of their class, and their father is very disappointed if they aren't. This is very stressful and difficult for Kambili. She says "it was like balancing a sack of gravel on my head every day at school and not being allowed to steady it with my hand." When she does well, the only thing she thinks about is the approval of her father.
      Kids should not have this amount of stress and pressure put on them. By setting this standard, their father is forcing them to give up their social life and free time. It is especially terrible because this is the only way they can get affection from their dad. It is at the point where Kambili is obsessed with trying to impress her dad and get his attention. A child should not have to work for the love and support of their parents.


  1. I agree that there is too much pressure placed on the children to do well in the eyes of their father. I also like how you embedded a quote. Nice job.


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