Who inspires you?

      I believe that I take after my father in many ways because he is always a great role model. He works so hard and gives so much for our family, and he is always kind to everyone. I feel as if I should strive to become like him. I feel like I got a head start in becoming the best person I can just because I am his son.
      I want to work my hardest everyday so I can give back to him. I want to push myself toward success so I can relieve my dad of his hard work and show him that it wasn't for nothing. He sacrifices and works so much, and I want to take away his burden by becoming successful. I want to provide for my family in his place in the future.


  1. This is really sweet. I can tell how much you love and respect your dad.

  2. I feel the same way about my dad, he is one of my biggest role models. Keep up the hard work and you will definitely succeed in life.

  3. This is a great post. I love my dad, he pushes me in everything I do. If you work hard you can do anything.


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