
      We were in the room alone, and I was scared.
      "Where is it!" The man yelled at me. The sound echoing in the room.
      "I don't know what your talking about," I said while tied to a chair, blindfolded.
      "I'm not stupid. The money didn't just disappear. I know you have it." He slapped me and I fell sideways to the floor. The rope that tied me to the chair brushed against my skin, burning me.
      I hissed from the pain and yelled "I don't have it!" as the burn started to dull. I could here him loading a gun behind me.
      "We have witnesses that saw you take it," He bluffed as he cocked the gun.
      I chuckled, "You'll never find it."
      "You will regret ever stealing from us." Bang.


  1. This is a well written dialogue, but it can get confusing at times.


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