
Showing posts from October, 2017

Quarter 2 Week 2 Comments

Peyton Emma

What do you think Ralph will do to survive on the island?

      After climbing the mountain and figuring out that that they were on an island, I think Ralph will split everyone into job groups. The hunters are already the choir but there are a lot of kids left to do something. I think the rest will be a group that builds a shelter. It is almost night and they will need a shelter to protect them from the elements.      They will also need to figure out how to make a fire. The night will get very cold and they will need to cook the food the hunters collect. They could also boil the salt water to make fresh water to drink. Making the fire will be very hard if they try to use friction. I think they will find flint to make a spark to start the fire.

Human Nature

     I think human nature is fundamentally outgoing. Humans figured out how to make tools to help them survive. Humans found a way to survive even though they were weaker and slower than other animals because they were smart and could improve.      I believe this because humans can have success in anything. Whether it is becoming amazingly smart, or it's becoming stronger and faster than the competition. All we have to do is push ourselves farther and farther until we are the best we can be. Humans can survive because of their ability to adapt and overcome. To adapt by inventing things and creating technology and overcome by pushing ourselves to the limit.

Week 8 Comments

Emma Thomas

The Client

      Currently I am reading The Client . Right now the main character, Mark, is pinned between the mafia and the FBI. This story is always making me want to read more because of the suspense that is created from the threats of the mafia. The mafia is threatening him because he has information that the FBI needs. Between the FBI questioning Mark and the mafia threatening him, this book is really thrilling to read.       I am wanting to read this book more and more the farther I get into it. Through every page, the book gets more exciting and grabs my attention even more than it already has. The latest event, was when mark was in the elevator and got pinned down by a man with a knife and threatened even more. Mark got out unharmed but was shocked. I will be reading this book a lot and will hopefully find out how Mark gets out this situation soon.

Fall Break

      On Thursday, the first day of fall break, I did a couple of things. In the morning I had to wake up early to go to the doctor. When my mom and I got to the hospital, we went and got my foot x-rayed again. After I got my x-ray we found a seat and expected to see the doctor quickly. After sitting around for what seemed like forever, I asked my mom how long we had been waiting for. She said it had been an hour. Thirty minutes later we finally got called up and the doctor said my fracture was healing nicely and to meet again in two weeks.       In the afternoon I had a football game. We went through our normal routine of going to Piccadilly and then stretching. During the game we got a huge lead and some of the freshman got to play. We won the game by a ton and I had a fun time watching everyone play.

Comments week 7

Thomas Katherine

Flash story 100 words

      Henry was the smallest kid in second grade. He was always pushed around by the bigger kids but still made a few friends. Now, an adult, Henry was invited to a reunion at his old school. He debated if he should go because he didn't have many good memories of the school. Eventually his wife and kids convinced him to go. When he showed up he got to see a few of his teachers and told them about what he was doing now. He saw his old friends and avoided the bullies. In the end he was glad he went.

Harrison Bergeron

      When I first read Harrison Bergeron I was interested in the utopian world. In the beginning I did not understand the point of the story and when they first mentioned Harrison Bergeron, I kept the name in the back of my head. All of the handicaps confused me and made me ask why they would restrict people's ability and chances to make an impact on the world that they lived in.        When Diana Moon Glampers came in the room with the ten gauge and shot Harrison and the dancer it shocked me. The super strict rules they had to shoot someone who tried to express their strengths or abilities.      The exposition was the short and only the first paragraph. The rising action took up most of the story. The climax happened really quickly and so did the falling action. The resolution where the parents forgot everything made me ask why people were limited so much.