Harrison Bergeron

      When I first read Harrison Bergeron I was interested in the utopian world. In the beginning I did not understand the point of the story and when they first mentioned Harrison Bergeron, I kept the name in the back of my head. All of the handicaps confused me and made me ask why they would restrict people's ability and chances to make an impact on the world that they lived in.
       When Diana Moon Glampers came in the room with the ten gauge and shot Harrison and the dancer it shocked me. The super strict rules they had to shoot someone who tried to express their strengths or abilities.
     The exposition was the short and only the first paragraph. The rising action took up most of the story. The climax happened really quickly and so did the falling action. The resolution where the parents forgot everything made me ask why people were limited so much.


  1. I agree with the points you made about Harrison Bergeron. I like how you included your questions throughout it. Good job!


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